Since Valentines is almost quite near I need a themed entry!... anyways, just reflecting on that period where I fell for someone. Quite the experience! Ranging the whole spectrum of emotions. But it was actually pleasant. It was my first rejection as well but it didn't really hurt all that bad because I prepared myself for it. Always knew the answer from the get go, but I still chose to care just cause. There was no price for my devotion. Despite all that, I found that I really like the brand new me that resulted from it. I realize how much change there was, how much growth there was. And for that I'm grateful. Grateful for how I see the world now. It's an experience I'd like to have again, but I'm not really rushing. I can wait. In the meantime I like my solitude, it's comforting. I'm tendering my own garden. It's peaceful. And it's not like I'm lacking or missing out on anything love. Maybe romantic but that's not really world ending. Love can be in pretty much everything and everywhere. It's sometimes in the smallest details.